
** Project Proposals for Cohort 3 are now open **

Deadline for Project Proposals is 31st October at 11:59 pm

The link for the online application survey can be found here;

A copy of the online application for guidance can be found here; Copy of OneZoo CDT Project Proposals 2025


🌿🦠All projects will address the environmental drivers of, and sustainable solutions to zoonoses, focused on three key research areas🦠🌿:

  1. Disease Preparedness: detection, environmental monitoring (novel sampling approaches; innovative technologies/diagnostics), horizon scanning and risk assessment;
  2. Disease Transmission: pathways and connectivity of drivers of infection, disease emergence and spread (the effects of anthropogenic and environmental change, evolution, human and animal movement patterns, socioeconomic and political drivers);
  3. Disease Control: integrated solutions for sustainable management and mitigation of zoonoses (environmental, socio-political and therapeutic barriers to transmission, including changing habitat, landuse and animal practices).