Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The OneZoo Centre for Doctoral Training partnership is committed to improving diversity in Earth and Environmental Sciences (NERC), Biotechnology and Biological sciences (BBSRC) and the Medical sciences (MRC) by recruiting and supporting a diverse set of PhD researchers. We regularly review and reflect on our current policies with the aim of incorporating new and better practices from education literature, from elsewhere in the sector, and from beyond. 

OneZoo’s commitment to providing excellent supervision, effective training and a supportive research culture that embeds Equality, Diversity and Inclusion principles will be underpinned by institutional (a) EDI policies, (b) DORA, (c) Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers; Concordat to Support Research Integrity, and (d) open research. We will support the University of Sanctuary to investigate opportunities for co-funded asylum seekers. Support structures include: BAME and LBGT+ student committees and staff networks; a parents network for PGR students preparing for, taking or returning from parental leave; and health, disability and accessibility wellbeing support. A mentoring system will be included in OneZoo where students are assigned a buddy from the previous year group; for the year 1 intake, existing trained student mentors based at our institutions will fulfill this role.