Revolutionising Tuberculosis Diagnostics: A Graphene Oxide-Based Biosensor for Enhanced Sensitivity and Selectivity in Cord Factor Detection

The global burden of Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public and animal health challenge whereby innovative techniques for early identification and successful management are required. Next generation biosensor technology allows for SMART detection systems. The project aims to develop a novel rapid point of care (POC) nanosensor based on the combination of detection BTB secretory proteins as TB biomarkers with graphene oxide and nanotechnological tools in tandem with next generation biosensor technology, to facilitate the early detection and treatment of disease. The aim would be to offer a device suitable for use by farmers and vets in the field to be able to monitor animals but also environmental samples for source testing. Simple Measurable Accurate Real Time (SMART) nanosensor devices could be used for earlier detection and the prevention of the disease spreading through the herd.

Supervised by Professor Katrina Campbell. Co-supervised by Dr Amanda Gibson (Aberystwyth University), Professor Irene Grant (Queen's University Belfast) and Dr Richard Gault (Queen's University Belfast). External partner is Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI).

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