Please contact in the first instance at OneZoo@cardiff.ac.uk or your Institutional or Operation Lead:

Manager  – Dr Beth Mansfield OneZoo@cardiff.ac.

Officer – Dr Elis Arapi OneZoo@cardiff.ac.

Director – Prof Jo Cable CableJ@cardiff.ac.uk

Cardiff Co-director  – Dr Jo Lello LelloJ@cardiff.ac.uk

Aberystwyth Co-director – Prof Jo Hamilton jvh@aber.ac.uk

Queens’ University of Belfast Co-director – Prof. Nikki Marks N.Marks@qub.ac.uk

LSHTM Co-directors –  Prof. Sian Clarke Sian.Clarke@lshtm.ac.uk and Dr Rob Moon Rob.moon@lshtm.ac.uk

Research in Practice (Student Placements) – Dr Sarah Perkins Perkinss@cardiff.ac.uk

Training Lead – Dr Cedric Berger BergerC3@cardiff.ac.uk

Professional Services;

Katie Jorgensen JorgensenK@cardiff.ac.uk CU; Aveen Lavery a.lavery@qub.ac.uk QUB and Doctoral Academy leads Reyer Zwiggelaar rrz@aber.ac.uk AU and Sam Alsford Sam.Alsford@lshtm.ac.uk LSHTM.

A Steering Committee will meet annually to advise on the strategic development, direction and future sustainability of the Centre as well as on all aspects of training offered by the CDT, including the prioritisation and development of the PhD projects (details of the Steering Committee will be published soon).