The CDT application process aims to select the best applicants and will make an ‘offer of funding’. The host institution will be responsible for checking eligibility and making an ‘offer to study’. The process for applying will be made clear on the advertisements, but offer of study will be applied for after the offer of funding from the OneZoo CDT.

Applicants will apply via a centralised online application form direct to the CDT. After the closing deadline all application forms will be forwarded to the Lead Supervisor of the projects to which the student applied, where supervisors will need to contact and meet (face-to-face or virtually) with potential candidates, to aid with shortlisting of students for interviews by the OneZoo Management Board.

The application to the CDT is for an ‘offer of funding’ from OneZoo. Once all interviews have been held and candidates identified, the application for an ‘offer of study’ will need to be made to the home institution.