Students will need to meet the standard academic eligibility criteria: a first or upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject; a less than sufficient first degree may be enhanced to meet the requirements by the acquisition of a Masters. Students will need to meet the English Language requirements of their home institution. The CDT student application form asks, if applicable, whether the student has taken the IELTS test and met the required level; taken the test and failed to meet the level; or needs to take the test.

This question is for administration purposes only; the Management Board will not be made aware of applicant’s English language skills during the shortlisting process. We have requested this information as a simple check, in particular to encourage applicants to consider their eligibility against the requirements. Successful applicants will still need to meet the requirements of their home institution.

Post Brexit, EU students now pay international fees (if any queries please check with your home institution). We will be looking to appoint 30 % international students (6 students in Year 1).